Console.WriteLine("Hello World!")

Considering the fact that I have not posted anything here in almost two years, I will not be surprised if nobody checks this blog anymore. And that's perfectly fine if you don't, I wouldn't blame you!
That being said, if for some reason you have not given up on me, thank you! I am going to take another stab at this. I have modified the content of the page to reflect some of my new hobbies and new blogs that I follow. I do spend a lot of time on twitter so if you want to follow me, the link is on the right ->
I also post lots of Geeky stuff on my Tumblr, similarly positioned on the right ->
To quote a favorite movie: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it" Well sometimes it moves so fast you can't get out of the way and it runs you over! That is my current status, Life has mowed me down and left me bleeding on the side of the road. None of the injuries are life threatening by any means, but I will most likely be a long slow recovery! Some of you might understand what I mean, some may not. Don't worry if you don't, I am being cryptic intentionally.
I love you all and hope you are all well!
Thanks for reading.


Just-a-Computer-Geek - Templates Novo Blogger 2008