X-Treme Randomness

... I am sitting on my bed at 11:28 on a Sunday night, everyone else in the house is sleeping (which is saying alot) browsing aimlessly through the web like there was a good reason or a purpose other that just to do it.  My cell phone is beeping because I just got off of an hour long support call and I have the lyrics to an Ani DiFranco song running round and round in my head.  Random thoughts are floating around intermingled with the lyrics... things like:

  • What was I in the middle of at work when I left on friday?
  • I have to wake up early to go to  Les Schwab to get my valve replaced on my van tire
  • I really need to plug in my laptop before the battery dies.
  • ...and my cell phone too so it will stop beeping at me!
  • I want to go pick out the parts to my new computer.
  • I can pick out the parts whenever I want
  • ... there is no point to picking out parts because I cannot afford them
  • I only have 17% free battery space
  • what are they going to build in the lot between lonestar steakhouse and the range rover dealership?
  • and about a million other things even more strange and random than that!
  • ....


"I open a fire-door to four lips, none of which were mine...kissing
tighten my belt around my hips... where your hands were missing
stepped out into the cold, collar high into the slate gray sky
the air was smoking the streets were dry
..and I wasn't joking when I said goodbye!"
Firedoor- Ani DiFranco

Blogged with Flock

More Programming humor nobody gets...

Endless Loop: n., see Loop, Endless.
Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.
"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes it
harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."
- Bjarne Stroustrup
Programming is 10% science, 25% ingenuity and 65% getting the ingenuity to work with the science.
We don't really understand it, so we'll give it to the programmers.
A computer scientist is someone who fixes things that aren't broken.
"640K ought to be enough for anybody."
-Bill Gates, 1981
"To err is human. To really mess things up requires a computer"
- Unknown
Novice Users: People who are afraid that simply pressing a key might break their computer.
Intermediate Users: People who don't know how to fix their computer after pressing a key that broke it.
Expert Users: People who break other people's computers.
Hardware: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
And finally, my new favorite:
"If at first you don't succeed, you must be a programmer."

Oh dear... good advise!?!

So incase you have not read my lovely Meadows blog, She and I stumbled upon a web site called engrish.com and then we laughed... alot... to the point of belly laughs and little girl giggles. I highly recommend you give it a visit.

This also has made for an interesting conversation regarding the popularity of clothes and trinkets that have chinese and japanese writing on them. how do we know that the shirt we are wearing acutally says "peace" and not "This idiot paid way too much for this shirt" ? kinda makes you think...

I found this on the wayward weblog. pretty funny stuff (if you are a total geek like me anyway.
This is an interesting take on programming language. This new language is called the YODA programming language, I think you can all figure it out from there.

Instead of the cryptic c-like syntax below:



public void Main(string[] args) {

   Console.WriteLine(“Hello World”);




We will now have eloquent YODA-like syntax:



(args of string many are they) Main is what they seek yet return they do not.


Brace you must

     Written it is, the Console. “Hello World”



so at this point, if you are a geek (or a nerd) you are laughing or a least grinning however if you are not you are just confused and wondering who allowed such an idiot to have a blog and possibly even thinking that they should start regulating who is allowed ownership of a blog.
Either way, I don't care because I nearly fell out of my cushy chair after reading it on my second 20" widescreen.


So maybe you are all sick of this, but then again maybe you are all nonexistent and nobody actually reads these and I am simply pandering to the collective void... hmm

These pictures were taken once again by my wonderful sister Ashley
I just had to post them because it is just so amazing to me.

This is taken the day Alton was due. (he was 3 weeks early)

And this one is one if my favorites. Just Alton cuddling with Meadow

I love the freckles and the hair.

Blogged with Flock

Dang he's cute!

Time for more Alton photos!

So Awake!

Not happy so much...

This is by far my favorite!

Many thanks again to Ashley for these wonderful images.

Blogged with Flock

... Just the coolest music video...EVER

OK, so these guys are called OK, GO and I happened upon this music video a while ago and it is still one of my favorite things. I even have it on my mp3 player right next to the ask a ninja videos... yeah.

Um... so yeah, there are no words...

By Far the strangest thing I haver ever seen an all male (yes all male, but he does look good in that top...) group of 1,500 phillippino inmates do... how 'bout you?

Embedded Video

Blogged with Flock

He's finally here!!!

Alton Perryn Jackson
born July 9th 2007 at 2:24 p.m.
6 lbs 14 oz  and 19" long

He is amazing and beautiful and yet so frail and helpless. He does not cry, he squeaks.  When I look at him I cannot help but kiss his little head and smile because I know that he is a part of me. 

This Glorious picture was Taken by our Dear friend and adopted Sister Ashley. all credit and praise goes out to her for this work of art in picture form

Thank you to all of you who have supported us with love and prayer.  It has not been unnoticed and the fact that he is here safe and mother and baby are fine shows that it has not been in vain.

Much love to all.

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The littlest Patriot

Blogged with Flock

ok, so here's the update

um, so a lot of you are probably wondering what the deal is with Meadow and the baby (Dani) so I thought I would part with some info. First, let me inform you that he is still very much entrenched within the safety of Meadows 'universe' as Teya once called her uterus.
here are the facts

1.We are having a little boy.

2.His name is Alton (secret middle name here) Jackson

3.He is due on 7.30.2007

4.We both think it would be cool if he was born on 07.07.07 (Saturday)

5.Regardless, if he is not born by Monday (the 9th) they will induce

6.We are both excited and a little freaked out that it is almost over

7.We will now officially have lots of kids!

8.Peanut Butter Twix are yummy!!!

...Holy Freaking Moly!!! He's posted!!!!

Sad isn't it? I don't know what my issue is, but I always start one of these here blog thingies and then I just sort of disappear. Well not this time pal!!! I won't hear of it! I won't just fade away from your memory like the name of your kindergarten teacher... Mrs. um.... uh.... whatevertheheckhernamewas! I plan to at least give this here posting thing the 'ol college try' and see what happens. Of course I realize that anybody that may have ever even had a remote interest in reading this Rumpelstiltskin of a blog has long since forsaken it and given it up for dead. Aah well. at least this way I will no longer feel the burden of needing to sound intelligent or the desire to impart something of substance to validate theirs as well as my existence.

Wooo Hoooo!

That is all....

March 12,2007 ultrasound 009

March 12,2007 ultrasound 009
Originally uploaded by JustaJeeper.
by gum its a boy!!
we had the ultrasound and had our suspicions confirmed, its a boy!
we are over joyed.

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