
So maybe you are all sick of this, but then again maybe you are all nonexistent and nobody actually reads these and I am simply pandering to the collective void... hmm

These pictures were taken once again by my wonderful sister Ashley
I just had to post them because it is just so amazing to me.

This is taken the day Alton was due. (he was 3 weeks early)

And this one is one if my favorites. Just Alton cuddling with Meadow

I love the freckles and the hair.

Blogged with Flock


the hater said...

I love the freckles and the hair as well ... great photos by ash!

Meadow said...

Who posted that comment?

Brijan said...

It's me med... your cousin brian. The Hater my chosen name for my blog since Robothate is the name of my company... I'm kinda lame like that.

Meadow said...

Oh... hi Bri! I thought it was weird because only people that know Ash call her Ash, so I was really confused as to who was making that comment. Nice to know it's you.

Just-a-Computer-Geek - Templates Novo Blogger 2008