Merry New Year!

Ah the time has come to look back on our lives this past year in retrospect and think of ways to improve upon our performance in the coming year. I for one see so many things that I am at a loss as to where I should start (yes, updating my blog more often is one of them :P ). See you all next year!

I am SUCH a slacker!!

Ok, I just can't let my blog go over a year without a post. I just cant! I have to apologize to anyone who has been waiting for me to update my blog. I suck at these! I guess I just don't have that much to say about myself. It has been a busy year full of ups and downs. Hopefully we will have an even better year in 2009. I will post more often hopefully :D

until then...
here is a random picture...

Just-a-Computer-Geek - Templates Novo Blogger 2008