Time for more Alton photos!
So Awake!
Not happy so much...
This is by far my favorite!
Many thanks again to Ashley for these wonderful images.
Blogged with Flock
A clear conscience is most often a sign of a bad memory!
Time for more Alton photos!
So Awake!
Not happy so much...
This is by far my favorite!
Many thanks again to Ashley for these wonderful images.
Blogged with Flock
Posted by JustaComputerGeek at 12:41 PM 2 comments
OK, so these guys are called OK, GO and I happened upon this music video a while ago and it is still one of my favorite things. I even have it on my mp3 player right next to the ask a ninja videos... yeah.
By Far the strangest thing I haver ever seen an all male (yes all male, but he does look good in that top...) group of 1,500 phillippino inmates do... how 'bout you?
Blogged with Flock
Posted by JustaComputerGeek at 10:03 PM 6 comments
Alton Perryn Jackson
born July 9th 2007 at 2:24 p.m.
6 lbs 14 oz and 19" long
He is amazing and beautiful and yet so frail and helpless. He does not cry, he squeaks. When I look at him I cannot help but kiss his little head and smile because I know that he is a part of me.
This Glorious picture was Taken by our Dear friend and adopted Sister Ashley. all credit and praise goes out to her for this work of art in picture form
Thank you to all of you who have supported us with love and prayer. It has not been unnoticed and the fact that he is here safe and mother and baby are fine shows that it has not been in vain.
Much love to all.
Blogged with Flock
Posted by JustaComputerGeek at 1:02 AM 0 comments
um, so a lot of you are probably wondering what the deal is with Meadow and the baby (Dani) so I thought I would part with some info. First, let me inform you that he is still very much entrenched within the safety of Meadows 'universe' as Teya once called her uterus.
here are the facts
1.We are having a little boy.
2.His name is Alton (secret middle name here) Jackson
3.He is due on 7.30.2007
4.We both think it would be cool if he was born on 07.07.07 (Saturday)
5.Regardless, if he is not born by Monday (the 9th) they will induce
6.We are both excited and a little freaked out that it is almost over
7.We will now officially have lots of kids!
8.Peanut Butter Twix are yummy!!!
Sad isn't it? I don't know what my issue is, but I always start one of these here blog thingies and then I just sort of disappear. Well not this time pal!!! I won't hear of it! I won't just fade away from your memory like the name of your kindergarten teacher... Mrs. um.... uh.... whatevertheheckhernamewas! I plan to at least give this here posting thing the 'ol college try' and see what happens. Of course I realize that anybody that may have ever even had a remote interest in reading this Rumpelstiltskin of a blog has long since forsaken it and given it up for dead. Aah well. at least this way I will no longer feel the burden of needing to sound intelligent or the desire to impart something of substance to validate theirs as well as my existence.
Wooo Hoooo!
That is all....
Posted by JustaComputerGeek Tags: rambling, random, rumpelstiltskin at 1:23 AM 1 comments